Technical analysis is a method of evaluating and predicting the future direction of financial markets, including stocks, currencies, and commodities, by analyzing statistical trends and patterns in trading data. This analysis is based on the premise that historical price movements, trading volume, and other market data can provide insights into the future performance of an asset.With proper training and practice, individuals can become proficient in using technical analysis to make informed trading decisions in the stock market and other financial markets.

Technical analysis involves the use of various tools and techniques, such as charting, trend analysis, and technical indicators, to identify patterns and trends in market data. Traders who use technical analysis seek to identify trading opportunities by analyzing market trends, identifying support and resistance levels, and making decisions based on the signals generated by technical indicators. It is often used in conjunction with fundamental analysis, which examines the financial and economic factors that can impact market performance.


  • Price and volume analysis
  • Trend Analysis
  • Support and resistance levels
  • Chart Patterns
  • Technical Indicators
  • Psychological Analysis
  • Risk Management

duration : 30 days

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